Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Eh que Barea?

Hi my name is Christina Barea and um this is my first blog woot woot. Hmm... Ok so my first day at UJW was interesting. I learned my name isn't very common from the cafeteria lady... She was like "Bueno, eh tu nombre no es comun mas problamente no debio ser Barea, no es un nombre se equivocaron cuando naciste." To all the non-speaking spanish people pretty much she said they messed up in naming me when I was born, I felt very enlightened after this moment knowing that I was a mistake, at least on paper, and my sisters say I was found behind a dumpster and I don't have a family. Which don't get me wrong I appreciate because I would rather be not from the same blood as my family. (jeje sorta kidding... not really) Well I'm pretty excited about this blog because its like cool. I like doing new things, thats one of the reason why I was like hmm UJW@FIU program ok perhaps maybe sounds good, exciting... urban journalism. Urban? I wonder what they mean by that lol? I guess I'll become urbanized here. Thats it for now...

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